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MY TO-DO LIST22-08-2024

Okay, so... What now?

  • update and reduce javascript and finish some... fun stuff... h3h3h3 :]
  • update code for every existing page, including this one
  • make this site more accessible for everyone
  • + make all current pages responsive to some degree
  • create the rest of main section (5/8!)
  • remake and publish the shrines directory page
  • finish some unfinished shrines (and make a BCNR one for an unnamed person)
  • create a stickerbook & stamp collection page for the "for you" section
  • create a tutorial section
  • start conceptualizing the "library" section
  • write the first (b)log (!!!)
  • improve this til' you die (yeah, okay... !)
UPDATE N0. 0922-08-2024

Cumulative: Behind-the-Scenes

  • [21-03-2024] finished the Miscellaneous section (revision needed)
  • [02-08-2024] published the Most Important Page on my entire site:
  • [07-08-2024] remade the Blog Template / Archive page and set up a RSS feed & webmentions
  • [07-08-2024] updated the Resources page (another update required)
  • [18-08-2024] updated the Trraena page with some structural changes and minor graphical tweaks
  • [22-08-2024] more updates incoming -- several pages are in the works, some close to being finished, blog intro soon-ish
  • [22-08-2024] buy ingrediences for homemade mochi
  • [22-08-2024] wait fuck this isn't my planner
  • [22-08-2024] ...i don't even have a planner...
  • [22-08-2024] but if i manage to make mochi successfully, i might make a recipe page about it! because if you're anything like me then recipe sites probably want to make you kill yourself.
UPDATE N0. 0812-02-2024 < - - - the Vriska number

A mobile friendly one?! What did you do with B-52?

  • [08-02-2024] started scanning the stickers & stamps
  • [12-02-2024] finished the Trraena main page! (my younger self would be proud)
UPDATE N0. 0729-01-2024

A short one!

  • [27-01-2024] made sitemap completely keyboard friendly!
  • [29-01-2024] finished the resources page (rough version)
UPDATE N0. 0616-01-2024

A short one!

UPDATE N0. 0512-01-2024

So cold outside...

  • [11-01-2024] finished the sitemap
  • [11-01-2024] finished the about section (finally!)
UPDATE NO. 0407-01-2024

Whoops! I irradiated my website... again!

  • made some minor cosmetic changes to the b-logging, the homepage & fixed the broken pseudo-marquee
  • anyway, the header is now radioactive. sorry about that!

(aka I added a new sound effect! tried to circumvent the autoplay restriction but to no avail, so instead I am employing reverse psychology in the hope of tricking people into obliterating their white cell count or bone marrow or whatever)

UPDATE NO. 0304-01-2024

Already fucked up, 2025 will be my year!

  • [23-09-23] finished the Achernar main page, hurrah!
  • [01-01-24] finished the first character profile (!)
  • [04-01-24] updated the abysmal coding of /updates.html
UPDATE NO. 0227-08-2023

Global Warming Is Bad

  • updated the speed of the typing animation
  • fixed the interface color change bug ( was so easy?)
  • semi-finished the first version of the blog page! (now I can't fucking look at it anymore... !)
  • started working on the archive page
  • killed the marquee for good, its cons outweighted its pros (but we'll see)
  • started designing a page for one of the original projects... ! (super stoked)
  • started working on the writings page (decidedly less stoked...)
  • started working on the gallery page (:/)
  • actually made this log on 26th
UPDATE NO. 0112-08-2023

My back is killing me...

  • finished the blog index, go me!
  • tweaked the mobile index so it is a little more tolerable
UPDATE NO. ??06-08-2023

Coding Therapy: Redux

  • semi-finished the homepage
  • finished the 404 page
  • FINALLY finished the update log (you are here!)
  • replaced the CSS animation for the terminal text with JavaScript
UPDATE NO. 0030-07-2023

Coding Therapy

  • created /updates.html