Since when do people use NOTHING for their PASSWORD ?
Try using your brain, numbnuts !
(TANPOP ONLY)Link to Pyra's profile, contains unreality, autoplay, JavaScript
( (Enter word or phrase !) ) Enjoy uninterruped guessing!
Since when do people use NOTHING for their PASSWORD ?
Try using your brain, numbnuts !
What ? Do you know something ? Who the hell are you ? Where are you ? Où es-tu ? Waar ben je ? どこにいるの、友よ?
სად ხარ ?
გთხოვთ დამირეკოთ !
Ha. Ha. Very humorous. You are so witty.
We all laughed... NOT !
...euh, salut. You do know what a password is, correct ?
Cute. But no.
Git gut or scram ! Heh-heh-heh.
No help for you ! Well... unless you pay, that is.
Yeah, no idea what that means, Chef. Sesame, like the seeds ?
Too easy, Chef ! You are on the right track, but puhlease, I am not that predictable !
Tiens, tiens ! You have been listening well, mon chou. That or SNOOPING around well, heh-heh-heh ! You are close -- on 🔥, dare I say, but you should take into consideration how I like to 7yp3.
Pictured above is an image of a stereotypical bug-eyed alien rendered in an ASCII art.
So, I may be a bit biased, heh-heh-heh ❤ but I would go for this one. Even though I do agree with Kim that "PISSF****T" is the stronger statement of the two.
...wait, we are talking about Disco Elysium, right ? It is... very anachronique, you see.
Oh, what am I saying ! ! This is a password console, you imbecile! Do not talk to me ! ! ! !
I am more of a "FUCK THE WORLD" kind of person myself.
Not here, Chef. Mais peut-être qu'une autre page peut contenir ce que tu recherches ? Peut-être une page avec des jeux vidéo, non ?
What a coincidence. I am Alpharius as well... you nerd, heh-heh.
rm: it is dangerous to operate recursively on '/'
rm: use --no-preserve-root to override this failsafe
Look, I can redirect your sorry butt anywhere I want ! You are lucky I am on my best behavior, is all I will say on the matter. Heh-heh-heh !
The only authority I listen to is my stomach when I'm hungry, bwah-hah-hah !
Je sais que ce n'est qu'une blague pour toi. Oh, eh ben, je suppose que c'est un peu drôle.Nous jouons ce théâtre ridicule, toi et moi, n'est-ce pas ?
Un mec avec qui j'ai fait un stage a cité quelqu'un qui disait ça. Et maintenant c'est à moi de le citer. T'es déjà perplexe ? Rien à cirer. Quoi qu'il en soit, c'est approprié.
Une boîte de saisie maladroite, une blague. Tu échoues et je reste caché. C'est comme çà.
Mais je ne plaisante pas quand je dis ça : tu dois accepter et comprendre que tu peux changer ce monde. Il suffit de regarder autour de soi. Tu comprends ? Bien ! Je ne peux pas en dire plus.
Congrats. This one almost made me smile. But not as much as the fact that getting the password right seems like an mission impossible for you, ha ! !
Okay, look. Just because I, myself, am private person does not mean I endorse this message. I am careful online, that is all. You would be dumb not to trust anyone, ever !
Sooo... sorry, um, hello. Sorry to intrude! I am kind of here by accident? Ha ha. Yeah. Long story. Even longer
day. You know how it is! ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
But if I may be of help here, um, after you get redirected, come back here and type in 'razzmatazz'. But only
after you get redirected. It will probably upset her, though. Sorry! (^*_ _^)人