An 88x31 button: Achernar
An 88x31 button: Ban time travel NOW. The word NOW is in quotes. An 88x31 button: I wish it was 2599. An 88x31 button: Encounter an Alien! An animated banner: Be open-minded? Hell no! I don't think so! Say no to psychic aliens NOW.

An exosolar entertainment:

The Callous Eternal Callus Paracosm


v. 0.1.0.
Not optimized for mobile - yet. Kindly use the landscape mode.

Title: The Paranoiac Frequency Achernar. Subtitle: Attention! W-wait, stop reading. I haven't thought of anything clever to say yet!

[1/24] Finished Shiso's profile!

[9/23] Finished the 1st version!

To-Do: Update the preloader
Add everything else!