An 88x31 button: Achernar
An 88x31 button: Ban time travel NOW. The word NOW is in quotes. An 88x31 button: I wish it was 2599. An 88x31 button: Encounter an Alien! An animated banner: Be open-minded? Hell no! I don't think so! Say no to psychic aliens NOW.

An exosolar entertainment:

The Callous Eternal Callus Paracosm


v. 0.1.0.
Not optimized for mobile - yet. Kindly use the landscape mode.

Title: The Paranoiac Frequency Achernar. Subtitle: Attention! W-wait, stop reading. I haven't thought of anything clever to say yet!

“A science fantasy horror comedy about radios, vanishing stars, mind eaters, an universe that loves you, and becoming your own redeemer. A story twice-told.” — me (hi!) two pages ago

Achernar1, or: A story about a story that doesn’t exist but threatens us with its existence nonetheless.

Set in the 26th century, Achernar is planned to be a retrofuturistic half-hearted meditation on myths, alienation, and increasingly digital days. It is also a recursive love letter to people who can only exist in fiction, an indirect hate letter to an author that dwells outside of it, and the way the difference between the two shrinks.

Comprised of two standalone but intertwined parts:

There Are No Plutocrats on Pluto (abbrev. TANPOP), &
Tomorrow Is Canceled, Come Back Yesterday (abbrev. TICCBY)

That said, it is a project that I (hi again!) plan to work on as I further educate myself on science fiction and many other topics, such as stellar nucleosynthesis and how to prepare a good guacamole. Neither of these will necessarily be featured, but they might become relevant one way or another.

Achernar — its concepts and overall conception, will change many times before I start working on it properly, giving it a tangible shape. It is a bit of an experiment, really. So be on the lookout for any puzzling changes. Because they will happen.

And you will be puzzled.

Excited to share this journey with you all, randos on the interwebs!

relevant as of 1st of January 2024

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1 A working title (...well, um, all of them are... !)