Red Alert --
A movie poster for the movie Scanners (1981)



This is the TRUTH theψ do not want you to know about. If you think someone might be watching you, steer clear of this page until you are 100% ALONE. By accessing this site, you have become part of the anti-psψchic movement nonexistent link? . It is YOUR responsibility to protect this information as it is mine. Remember this and be resilient: this is a fight WE can WIN.

This site is for educational and informational purposes only. It is also only for those who are open-minded... just the right amount.
If you are here, I assume you already know what a psψchic nonexistent link? is and are aware of its corrupted nature nonexistent link? . Or you have come to debate me. Do NOT bother. I will delete all of your imbecilic messages.

l0l r16h7 51574

Preface: Psψchics are REAL. Physics? Debatable.

Psψchics are no longer the stuff of fiction, and yet so many are intent on denying their existence. Interestingly, one would be hard-pressed to find deniers of the existence and use of telegates. Newsflash: They are the SAME thing... or rather, come from the same source. In fact, the emergence of psψchic sightings is directly linked to that of telegates (Badeaux et al., 2456)! (Are psψchics the alien race behind the telegates?) nonexistent link? Telegates defy all known laws of physics, but humans and the like have no trouble accepting them into their lives. Why is that? What makes people capable of teleportation less likely than literal holes in the fabric of our universe that facilitate the same means of transportation?


Literally. Many people deny their existence for one simple reason: they are afraid. They are terrified of bodysnatchers and mind-eaters. Nobody wants to believe they are in immediate danger of having their OWN MIND, their last bastion of privacy, INVADED, or WORSE: STOLEN AND DESTROYED. Psψchics can and will damage your brain if prompted to do so. Theψ will sift through your memories like you would sift through your camera roll! If you would like to know about the science behind it, head to 2. WHAT IS A PSΨCHIC: IN-DEPTH LOOK AT THEIR POWER nonexistent link? . You MUST be prepared in order to protect yourself. You can start here. The first step is to tell a friend from a foe - to recognize your enemψ.

Lesson 0: Each Type Is Different

I have covered the different types elsewhere nonexistent link? . I STRONGLY recommend familiarizing yourself with them before reading the rest of this guide. This is merely a continuation.

Keep this in mind when looking for the signs. What is typical for a psychophag (i.e., mind-eater) is not so usual for a bodysnatcher and vice versa. Understanding the differences can help you devise a better plan of attack. More below.

Lesson 1: Physical Traits


Mukhlads were notorious for mimicking their enemies. (Are mukhlads really extinct? Should we prepare for another war?) nonexistent link? They say you could not recognize mukhlad from the real deal. Thankfully, that is not the case with a common bodysnatcher. If you know what to look for, you can sniff them out... and sometimes quite literally!

ANIMAL ODOR: Bodysnatchers like to shapeshift into animals, most commonly a dog. Many bodysnatchers, after settling into their new human/matkojatki/etc form, will emit a faint animal odor.
Not to be confused with! people who own pets (e.g., dogs), people whose sweat smells like ammonia

The Thing from The Thing (1982), in its dog form
A bodysnatcher pretending to be a cute doggie (Alaskan Malamute).

SUBTLE INCONSISTENCIES: There is something uncanny about your average bodysnatcher, something you cannot put your finger on. Before we perfected the art of AI media generation, there were telltale signs of its presence: an arm at an awkward angle, a leg a little too long, the texture of the nose different from the texture of the cheek, and so on. This is essentially the same. Just like with AI media, you look for inconsistencies.
Not to be done under the influence!

LIMB ASSYMETRY / WAY TOO MANY LIMBS: A low-hanging fruit, but worth a mention anyhow! You NEED to read up on matkojatki and buzzar anatomy, plus get to know all the common animals. After all, theψ ARE NOT just pretending to be HUMAN... A tall task, perhaps, but to know something is better than not knowing anything!!
Not to be confused with! people with physical disabilities, victims of the Neckarwestheim Incident, any matkojatki in retirement


Tele-blunderers are native to matkojatki territories (Kriek, 2434) and are generally rare. Because of this, there is not much known about their physical deviations. Some believe that unassisted teleportation would make the frisker lose some of its body mass during its travels. Tele-blunderers would, by that logic, be thin and fragile. I do not think that makes sense long term, but it is the best we have FOR NOW. If you know anything, please contact me.


As of today, psychophags and pushers live almost exclusively on human territories (Nezval & Smith, 2476). Theψ may display some peculiarities, such as physically improbable hairstyles, but are otherwise indistinguishable... is the popular narrative. I, on the other hand, know for a fact that there is a slight blue glow around their pupil, only visible from a certain angle! As far as I know, I am the first person to discover this!! (Message me for more information. I cannot go into specifics here.)
Not to be confused with! people who use matkojatki hair technology, people who use too many hair products in general


Atom-splitters are exceedingly rare. However, there have been reports about a smell of burnt plastic, a smell of ozone, or a smell of burnt sugar. One person reported a tingling sensation similar to that caused by an imminent lightning strike. If this happens to you, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!! (Harnesser or an actual lightning, both can kill!)

Lesson 2: Behavioral Quirkss


Once again, the type easiest to spot in the wild.

ANIMAL ROLEPLAY: Bodysnatchers love to act like animals, even when in human, matkojatki, or buzzar form, and will sometimes display distinctly animal behaviors (e.g., sniffing, licking their body parts). Unlike FURRIES, bodysnatchers do not usually dress up as animals! (And YES, this really needs to be said.)
Not to be confused with! furries, people who enjoy this... for adult reasons....

A large group of fursuit owners at a furry convention (photo by Mecanautes). Not of bodysnatchers!!

MASTERFUL VOCAL MIMICRY: A skilled bodysnatcher can mimic any sound. Most bodysnatchers also feel a compulsion to repeat sounds, much like small children.
Not to be confused with! voice actors, people with echolalia, my darling niece on the spectrum, and other people like her

MEAT-LOVER / CANNIBALISTIC TENDENCIES: Two traits in one. Bodysnatchers' diet consists almost entirely of meat. It loves meat and will do anything in order to acquire it. It also eats the flesh of whatever species it is pretending to be.
Not to be confused with! regular cannibals, steak enthusiasts


Unfortunately, there is way less reliable information on tele-blunderers. My rule of thumb? Look for anyone overly clumsy and jittery, but make no haste judgments: they could be under mind control!

HATE EXERCISING / OUT OF SHAPE: (I have decided to merge these two for clarity, as they go hand in hand, although the latter is more of a physical characteristic.) Tele-blunderers HATE walking up the stairs as theψ are easily out of breath. Theψ are also slow runners and inadequate jumpers. This is, of course, because theψ are lazy by nature and teleport everywhere instead of using their body like any sensible person.
Not to be confused with! regular folks who do not exercise, people with asthma

OUTSTANDING GEOGRAPHIC SKILL: This is a minor one, but tele-blunderers tend to be unusually good at geography, possibly out of necessity.
Not to be confused with! genuine geography enthusiasts

FOUND & STUCK IN ODD PLACES: This one is self-explanatory. Beware of bodysnatchers that can teleport.

Horse stuck in a fence
A "horse" stuck between the iron bars of a fence. Not all friskers are good at frisking.


Psychophags come off as charismatic and attractive, even when there is no objective basis for that impression. When getting smooth-talked by someone who does not talk smooth at all, you HAVE to ask yourself: do I actually have a reason to like this person? If not, and yet you DO, RUN!! (Note: some men are like this also.) Chances are theψ are already in your head...

PERFECT MEMORY: This is true for PSYCHOPHAGS specifically, as psychophags tend to have hyperthymesia or eidetic memory. Theψ often remember things from YOUR life better than you.

IRRATIONALLY STRONG HATRED TOWARDS TAROT READERS: (I admit, this one is a mouthful...) Psychophags are prideful creatures by nature. Theψ get easily offended by others "pretending" to have "their" abilities in any way, shape, or form. (Free live readings HERE!) nonexistent link?

NON-STOP DEJA VU: Prophetic psychophags are that one person who constantly brings up their deja vu moments. There is not much to say about this except that it is VERY annoying.

ALEXA 3000 TREATMENT OF OTHERS: Pushers enjoy bossing people around and treating them like their virtual assistants. Theψ will often bother you into getting things (e.g., controller, drink) for them without uttering a single thank you. This is because pushers, just like tele-blunderers, are inherently lazy and use telekinesis instead of their body. When theψ cannot use telekinesis, theψ will coerce others to do their bidding.
Not to be confused with! preteens, my late husband

And last, but not least...
ALWAYS FINISHING YOUR... sentences. Similar to bodysnatcher mimicry, this behavior is compulsive! Theψ just cannot help themselves.


There is no information on atom-splitters. If you know anything, please message me.


Now, you should know that I am not opposed to constructive criticism: I DO read it, and I DO hear you! But not all of it is fair. Let me address some common criticisms and arguments that I have been receiving OVER and OVER in the past few years.

Your information is too surface-level!
It is - by design! If I went into TOO much detail, I could put myself and my family AT RISK!! As always, you are encouraged to message me with any SERIOUS inquiries, and I will do my best to answer! This is literally stated on my homepage, so do not blame me for YOUR illiteracy.

You never cite any sources! Do you only write from memory?!
I will confess that in the past, I would often forget to cite my sources properly. This is because I tend to note information I find important or interesting as I research, NOT because I only ever rely on my memory or, God forbid, make things up!! I also sometimes avoid it, for example, when making my own observations or when using intel from ANONYMOUS TRUSTED sources that I cannot disclose for privacy reasons.

But as the astute among you may have noticed, I am trying to be more diligent. I cannot include direct links for obvious reasons, but looking up information online is, in most places, still free.

Horrible Presentation/Grammar/ETC.
I am a senior and dictate most of my posts to my grandson, who also helps me run this site. We both use a typing assistant, but it is not perfect. If you think you could do it any better, I want to see YOU TRY!!

Stop engaging with your online stalkers/harassers.
Believe me when I say that I do appreciate your concern and will be taking measures to separate myself from any bad actors. I have also asked my friend to make my site more secure. The chat function is disabled for the time being because some of you CANNOT act. To those concerned for me: thank you.


As always, any feedback - provided that it is CONSTRUCTIVE and CIVIL - is appreciated. In the next installment, we will look into how to protect yourself from your freshly unmasked enemψ.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to compliment my mukhlad theory from last week. It is good to know that sane people still exist. We ARE a dying breed.

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